Citizens debate the European Union
The third ‘Debate on a Citizens’ Europe’ organised by MEUSAC took place on Friday September 13 in Buġibba and centred on the topic,…
The third ‘Debate on a Citizens’ Europe’ organised by MEUSAC took place on Friday September 13 in Buġibba and centred on the topic,…
“Citizens are the most important element of the European Union (EU), and although information about rights, duties and opportunities is crucial, we have…
MEUSAC, the national coordinator for the European Year of Citizens 2013 in Malta, engaged students attending the summer school organised by the Department…
Bħala konsumatur u ċittadin tal-Unjoni Ewropea, int għadnek dritt speċifiċi. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=ysizvyU53sQ width=640 height=480 anchor=”Ara l-filmat”] dwar xi drittijiet għandhom iċ-ċittadini tal-Unjoni Ewropea
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for European Affairs, the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties, together…