Dwar l-Ewropa, Dwarek
Bħala konsumatur u ċittadin tal-Unjoni Ewropea, int għadnek dritt speċifiċi.
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=ysizvyU53sQ width=640 height=480 anchor=”Ara l-filmat”] dwar xi drittijiet għandhom iċ-ċittadini tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Bħala konsumatur u ċittadin tal-Unjoni Ewropea, int għadnek dritt speċifiċi.
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=ysizvyU53sQ width=640 height=480 anchor=”Ara l-filmat”] dwar xi drittijiet għandhom iċ-ċittadini tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Next deadline: 1st October 2013 Applications for YiA projects taking place between the 1st January and the 30 June 2014 must be submitted…
The European Commission designated 2013 as the European Year of Citizens with the aim of raising awareness about EU citizenship and the rights…
No and butts. Kick the habit today! Faced with an array of new mod-cons designed to make smoking attractive, the EU has brought…
The EU Rights Machine In this European Year of Citizens 2013, the European Commission is raising awareness of the EU rights that complement…
In a statement released on the 4th September, the Electoral Commission Office said that non-Maltese EU citizens living in the Maltese Islands and…
9-15 December 2013 | Bulgaria This training course will encourage the development of a critical, democratic and European Citizenship and in doing so,…